Users will also need to do an API call to register a webhook which will be used also in the integration for Locate2u.
To register a webhook, follow these steps below:
- If you already have Postman, skip steps 1-2 and proceed to step 3. But if you don’t click on the link to download Postman
- Install the downloaded Postman.
- Once installed, Open Postman and navigate to your workspace and click on New.
- A modal will open and select HTTP in the options.
- Select in the dropdown POST to make a POST request
- Add this link in the URL field
- Navigate to the Header tab and add the following:
- Add Authorization under the Key field
- Add bearer + generated token under the Value field
- Ex: bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKVUYGIBSgayubyTYIGBzRMTUdZK2p0S1FTN01ZUW5SeVwvaDBHTVZvSnhrPSIsImlzcyI6InBlb3BsZXBvc3QuY29tLmF1IiwiZGF0YSI6eyJ1c2VySWQiOiI4NDc2OCIsInN0YWZmSWQiOjB9fQ.QYBWO2qV_gftYQsqlU3oNssA6C1LYhVyaPQ6zpuPJ45-CTT6yVxq4nlC-U_Y3DP70qvIauxisLE4eDOBVsokNDyw
- Go to the Body tab, select raw in the radio button and select JSON in the dropdown.
- Copy the payload below in the text field area in the same tab
“event”: “job/status_updated”,
“address”: “Locate2u Webhook Link”,
“token”: “Customer Unique Token”
- Change the values to the following:
- For the Event – leave this as is.
- For the address – This is the link
- For the token – Generate a unique token, follow these steps below:
- Go to this link: site:
- Click on the Generate button
- Copy the value in the Plain text section as the value for Token.
Save the token for later as this will be needed in the Locate2u Onboarding Wizard.
10. Once all values are available click on the Send button in the Postman.
- The user should be able to see the response below in the body for postman which will look like this:
12. Once there are no errors in Postman the user can now integrate in Locate2u Carrier Marketplace.