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Create your production webhook endpoint in Doordash Drive

Webhooks are used to communicate between Doordash and Locate2u and are essential to pass data from each other. 

To create a webhook endpoint, follow these steps: 

  1. Navigate to the webhooks page by clicking on the Webhook menu in the left panel of the dashboard. 

  1. In the Webhooks page, click on the + icon to create a new webhook endpoint. 

  1. Once clicked a modal will show to configure a webhook, populate the Webhook Delivery URL with the Locate2u Webhook. 

  • Webhook Delivery URL: https://locate2u-carrier-bridge-services.azurewebsites.net/api/doordash/webhook-events?code=UUrGBCkbc3mVih1lgFpYeCpwmqxupzOenFNKVM3AndWHAzFucKh5fA==
  • Authentication Type: Basic 
  • Authentication Header Name: Authorization 
  1. After populating the Webhook Delivery URL, click on the Generate button and the Authorization Header will be populated with the Webhook Token. (The value is hidden for security purposes in this example)

  1. Copy the Authorization Header value and paste it somewhere together with the Access Keys as this will be needed to complete the integration in Locate2u. The value generated by the Authorization Header will be the Webhook token value. 
  1. Click on the Configure Endpoint to finish the endpoint configuration and it will show that the configuration is successful.